
I believe that educating our students for a successful future in college, career and community revolves around the awareness that technology is the most important component of an effective education. When you’re dealing with the education of children, it's important that we always remember to follow the logic of doing what's best for the children.  Digital technology is not going away and it's important that we educate our children for the most successful life they can have.   John Dewey once said, “If we teach today like we did yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”  
Technology is a self-motivator for children of any age.  It is a catalyst that now bridges our old way of doing business to our new way of doing business in the 21st century.  We are ready to move on from the cognitivist theory where students were expected to sit quietly, open their brains, and teachers were expected to fill their heads with knowledge.  We now know this doesn’t work for the majority of the students in our class.  It is important to engage learners in creative work with rewards that are intrinsically based and contain a blending of pedagogies that encompass varied and multiple resources including technology right along with our brick and mortar model of teaching.
          My philosophy vision will continue to grow and change just as the world of technology grows and changes.  The world never stands still and neither should we.  I never want to rob my students of their future, and I hope I can spread this vision to others effectively.


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